Residential Services

Springboard’s Developmental Services Department’s Residential Services programs

We seek to advance the vision that all individuals with developmental disabilities participate fully in all aspects of society. Programs and services are designed and delivered to provide and assist persons with developmental disabilities to access the required supports for developing the skills needed to maximize their independence and enhance their well-being in the community.

Our transition-based service philosophy recognizes the need for community-based services and wider-community participation for the elimination of barriers to increase participation.  Our residential homes, Frank Drea and North Beaches are transitional, voluntary residential life skills programs for adult males aged 18 years and older with mild to moderate Developmental Disabilities. Well-trained and experienced staff assist individuals to achieve increased levels of independence in order to transition into more independent living arrangements.


I enjoy living here because it is cheaper than an apartment in Toronto. Maybe one day I would like to live in an apartment or house with a roommate, having a staff check in. I am working on being ready to move out one day, by getting around the city by myself on the TTC, practicing taking my medication without help from staff, doing my own laundry, meal prep and shopping for the food and supplies I need. I enjoy my housemates, they are really cool and easy-going guys. I have gone to the movies with one of my housemates and like to talk to some of them about computers and video games.

– Resident



Operating within our Residential Services program, the Community Housing Program provides personalized supports to individuals transitioning from our residential program into independent community living. The Community Housing Worker will assist individuals with establishing independent living routines including developing systems to assist with managing their households successfully (i.e. money management / paying required bills and rent on time, grocery shopping, maintaining safe living environment and safe community participation practices).